Your Future Self- It’s time to believe in better.

You’ve found yourself here because you’re seeking something more from life. Because you know you’re worth more. Because you have a dream you want to make come true. Because the future is yours for the taking. You just have to create it first.

Learning to live in the moment is a spiritual fix we can all benefit from but creating the future you dream of takes imagination, commitment and self-belief. When I started the year-long personal project that eventually became my book A Year of Mystical Thinking: Make Life Feel Magical Again I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired about the future or the here and now.  I was burnt out, exhausted and feeling pretty damned hopeless…and yet somewhere deep within me I knew this wasn’t it… the did not have to be my lot in life…

I expect you have your own deep down niggling feeling that there’s more to life than this… and that’s why you’ve ended up on this page.

Take this as a sign that your future is waiting for you. But first… you’ll need to visualise it.

Imagining, visualising, writing and speaking our dreams and goals into being can be a very powerful tool. Working out what we want is often the first step towards making it happen. Dreaming up your ideal future can’t magically deliver it to your door (if only!) but it can become the first step on a path somewhere better, brighter and altogether more inspiring.

Try one (or more!) of the below to tap in to what you really want out of life and follow the tips below to start making it happen.

Meet Your Future Self - Work out what you want…

  • Try journaling

Use the prompt ‘In my best life I wake up and…’ and allow whatever flows through the pen to weave its way onto the page. No over-thinking, spellchecking or judgement allowed.

  • Create a vision board

A visual representation of the lifestyle you wish to create can become a powerful reminder of what you’re aiming for. Cut and paste inspiring pictures and photographs onto a large sheet of paper or make a virtual version if you prefer.

  • Consult the oracle

Use tarot or oracle cards as a guidance tool to help you work out where you want to be. Pull three cards to help guide you to the answer to these three questions:

1) What might my best possible future look like?

2) What do I need to help me get there?

3) What else do the cards want me to know?

  • Meditate

Meditation is a brilliant way to tap into your sub conscious mind and work out what you really want away from any conditioning or expectations. Seek out a guided meditation session online or join one of my workshops and events.

What Next?

You know what you want but what next…

  • Create a plan breaking down a big goal into small achievable steps.

  • Do just one thing towards making it happen TODAY. Book the course. Share your idea. Make a connection. Order the book. Ask for help.

  • Create space in your life. Allow yourself to let go of anything that’s no longer working for you – unhealthy habits, negative influences, self-sabotage.

  • Ask a friend to keep you accountable.

  • Keep going even if the steps are tiny.

  • Trust the universe – if it’s meant to happen it will happen.

  • Enjoy the process. Because the now still matters and every step along the way is part of your story

  • Practise gratitude for the things you do have and notice how far you’ve already come.


Lists and plans, plans and lists…