Create Space -You need a break

Stressed out? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Hopeless?

I get it. I’ve been there. 

And I suspect that one (or all!) of the above is the reason you’ve landed on this page. Take a deep breath! Modern life is A LOT and it doesn’t take much for busy and nailing it to tip over in burnt out and broken territory these days. 

And when life is laden with responsibilities, it’s so easy to put our own needs right to the bottom of the priority pile. I think we’ve all been there.

Tick a few off with me…

  • Skipping a yoga/exercise class because your To Do list is out of control.

  • Signing up to help at another school/community event when you’re already at breaking point.

  • Spare moments spent tidying up when what you really need is rest.

  • Staying up late for the alone time when what you really need is sleep.

  • Picking at kids leftovers instead of making a meal you actually want.

  • Putting off the GP appointment until life is less busy.

  • Wearing the same gym leggings for days in a row.

  • Deciding that old pair of trainers will just have to do.

  • Falling into bed without taking your make up off/wash your face/insert your thing.

  • Doom scrolling beside a pile of unread books.

  • Looking after everyone and everything else first.

  • Multitasking at all times.

  • Cereal for dinner.

  • Laundry as arch nemesis.

  • Trying to convince yourself that basic self care (showering for example) counts as ‘me time’.

I could go on.

When did taking time out start feeling like such an indulgence? When did we all get so busy? Are our work ethics slowly killing us? Why is it acceptable for productivity to take precedence over wellbeing? 

The wheels really have come off.

Take this as your invitation to take a break. 

In fact, it’s more of an instruction.

Creating downtime in our lives allows us to find solutions where there are problems. It offers us the headspace to think creatively. You already know your best ideas come to you while you’re in the shower, half asleep or walking the dog, right? Prioritising rest is essential! And not just for the strokes of genius and lightbulb moments that come when you take five, either. Taking time out to relax is a salve for the mind, body and soul. Our bodies are crying out for it. We need to take the weight off, to chill out, to relax. 

We must.

Your challenge? To pick one of the below and do it wholeheartedly and unashamedly TODAY… then watch the magic happen.


  • Take a nap

It might feel like the ultimate indulgence but a middle of the day siesta (set a timer if you need to) can be amazingly restorative.

  • Run a bath

Take time out for a long soak (in the middle of the day if you have to).

  • Go to bed early

Hit the hay an hour earlier than usual so you can relax, read and chill.

  • Try a guided meditation

Take 15 minutes out to listen to a guided meditation online and feel an instant sense of calm.

  • Make a cup of tea and drink it while it’s still hot

Parents of toddlers I’m looking at you! Use a thermos mug if you have to.

  • Breathe

If you’re reading through this list thinking there’s no way you can do any of the above, you can definitely take a few minutes out to breathe. Try ten rounds of deep breaths in and out. Notice how even that small step makes you feel.

  • Lie down

You don’t have to sleep to rest. A five minute lie down while you wait for dinner to cook or your children to finish their bath/fall asleep can feel amazing. 

  • Resist the temptation to do more

Not every moment of free time needs to be filled with another task. Allow yourself to just be. The dishes/filing/online order can wait. 


 January Clichés & Downward Dogs


Onwards & Upwards