See the signs…

You’re reading this because there’s something you know you need to do. A change must be made. A path must be trodden. A new direction must be taken. Think hard enough and you already know what it is. You’ve been wondering about this for some time. You might even have been making a plan in your mind for some time. You might know exactly what needs to happen next. This might just be the start of a long and important journey. But one thing is certain… the time has come.

Just because the time has come doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, though. Which is why your Instant Magic message it to See The Signs. 

Do ask the universe for signs? Do you have a sign? A symbol or image or animal you’ve chosen that helps you know you’re on the right path when you see it? 

Mine is a rainbow. And the easiest and quickest way of connecting to the power of the universe I’ve ever found.

Sounding too out there for you? Try it and see. All you have to do is choose what you want your sign to be, watch and wait. You can even ask to be shown a sign you’re on the right path or making the right decision… 

As always with these things take what resonates and leave the rest. If this feels like something you might be able to get on board with… give it a try. If you’re already into signs, pay close attention. If you choose to ignore this completely because it’s not your bag… that’s fine too.

But there’s still something you need to do right now… And whether that means starting over in work, love or lifestyle choices, setting off on an exciting new path or finally feeling brave enough to speak or share your truth… here’s to taking the small steps that become the big steps that make a difference.

You’ve got this.

Here’s an extract from my book A Year of Mystical Thinking where I talk about signs and how they helped me on my path to inner peace.

I started by picking a sign. 

I’d reached the part of Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back where she talks about choosing your sign. This is a symbol that either comes to you spontaneously or which you consciously choose, that shows the universe you’re ready to co-collaborate. It can be an animal, a colour, a song, a scent, a series of numbers, whatever you like. Once you’ve picked your sign you can ask the universe to show you it when you’re on the right path or making good decisions or getting closer to a chosen goal. 

I instantly loved how simple and easy this was – I mean, anyone can pick themselves a sign and wait for a high five from the universe! The first thing that popped into my head was a rainbow, so that’s what I chose. And just like magic, suddenly rainbows were everywhere. 

Now, I’m not sure how this whole thing would work if what popped into your head was some rare Amazonian tree frog – basically, don’t do that! However, if this seems like something you can get on board with, I’m sure the end result will be the same.

I began to find solace in seeing rainbows appear at magically perfect moments. The one that arched across the sky outside my window just after I’d braved a no in a work email when I knew my editor was anticipating the usual yes. The many rainbows that appeared in my Instagram feed every time I logged on to check my Mystical Thinking account – like colourful fist bumps urging me to keep going. 

The refracted beams of rainbow light on the floor of the shower when I finally managed to get up as early as Best Life Me would, so I could have some time to myself before my girls woke up. Basically, it worked. And it was so easy. 

Choosing your sign from the universe requires little effort and it delivers an impressive amount of pay-off. Best of all, it feels good. 

I felt like I’d hit the jackpot straight off with a spiritual quick fix that buoyed my spirits in just the right way. Cosmic pats on the back that upped the magic factor of the most ordinary moments.

Artwork by Alice Rose


Onwards & Upwards